• Donkey, Horse, Mule foals, and Belted Galloway calves are coming! Available in spring 2024!

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The most stunning laptop on the market is available now!

Remember the first time you used a capacitive touchscreen, threw your 56k modem out the window and switched to broadband, or switched from standard-def TV to 1080p? Everything is hidden here: there are two Thunderbolt 2 ports, four USB 3 slots, an SD card slot, a headphone jack, and an Ethernet port which makes everything convenient and easy to find.

New Range of Smartphones and Tablets!

Solid 1080p performance in Premiere is pretty much a given these days. So I imported a few 5K RED Epic files to see how the machine fared. In the native RED codec, playback on the timeline at full or one-half quality was fairly choppy, even when the media resided on the internal SSD. When the footage was converted to ProRes 422, Premiere was able to play back at full 5K, fullscreen.

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West Elk Equine

Katherine Browne
Call for our address Gunnison CO 81230

p: (970) 275-9870

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About West Elk Equine

Nestled in the beautiful Ohio Creek Valley in Gunnison Colorado, West Elk Equine is truly paradise on earth. I have been riding, training, and showing horses and mules since I was six years old.
